My name is Jesse Mayo, but most people know me by my middle name, 'Steven'. Although I have a passion for programming, it was not my first choice in degree - which was/still is unfortunate for my wallet 😅. Yet, it makes my story a bit different than the average programmer and adds a great deal of flexability to my profile 😄.
My first degree was a bachelors of science in chemical engineering, which was obtained from North Carolina State Univeristy in 2015. From there I took a role at North America's "most complicated and diverse" glassmaking facilities as a supervising process engineer. While working 12 hour shifts, driving 1 hour to work and another back, I still continued to read, learn, and practice learning fullstack OOP languages such as C++, Java, Python, Javascript, as well as, the accompanying HTML5/CSS, mongoose, passport, and express packages of node.js. Only until I began to assist the company's contracted software designer with programming our chemical deposition software for our process, did I open my eyes to just how much I truly loved and enjoyed programming ♥️.
After that realization, I took a leap of faith to follow my passion by leaving my position and dedicating all of my time to learn the skillset of a full-stack developer. Since taking that extremely scary leap, I have completed North Carolina State Univeristy's CSC program, earned several online certifications, actively participated in open source projects, published articles and tutorials for and, and deployed many of my own personal projects on GitHub.
In essance, I am a hard worker, a life-long learner, and a lover of code. I hope that my portfolio demonstrates the amount of passion I have as a developer, since unfortunately "years of experience" tends to overshadow passion and potential. If you would like to contact me, please scroll to the bottom or click the "Contact" button at the top of the page to shoot me an email.
Thanks so much!
Offered to those who have already completed a bachelors degree and focuses on the core CSC courses offered at NCSU and required by that of the bachelor's degree program.
Demo website where users have the functionality to register, rate/review, add, and comment on user-submitted campsite locations. This project focused on implementing RESTful routing with express and mongoose, authenticating/authorizing with passport, and maintaining an active database of users and campgrounds with Mongoose. The demo YelpCamp site was deployed on Heroku until I disabled access due to inappropriate contributions being added.
This is a demo Patatap web application I created using the Javascript Paper.js library. A canvas object was used to draw filled circles of random color, while using specific key-mapped event listeners to trigger a sound response depending on the letter pressed. Just a warning, it's a little addicting!!
A fun study tool that will certainly help with RGB color recognitiion. This game gives you a generated RGB color (text form) and asks you to match it to one of the generated answer choices. There is an easy and hard mode, as well as textual feedback that displays if the answer was incorrect and/or if you would like to play again. Try not to give up on the hard mode!
A quick todo list application that allows the user to create, cross off, and delete list items. This project focused primarily on css customization and jquery event triggers. View the demo and help Hermoine Granger cross off some tasks!
This program was built on the Java platform and designed to simulate how variations in specific checkout parameters, such as cart type and register classifications, will effect the processing time of the average customer. The program was designed using real world data from the client.
Program built off of the Java platform that's designed to monitor task progression. A finite state machine design approach was taken to ensure that tasks were appropriately documented while transitioning through the following states: Backlogged, Owned, Processing, Done, Verifying, and/or Rejected.